
Saturday, February 3, 2024

Epic Insights: Software Testing Wisdom from the Mahabharata

As a software tester who has delved into the profound narratives of the Mahabharata, I've discovered that the epic's wisdom is not just limited to the spiritual or philosophical realms but extends into the practical world of software testing. Here are ten lessons that I've drawn from the Mahabharata, which have become cornerstones of my testing philosophy:

Embrace Peer Review, Regardless of Your Role

Even the wise Lord Krishna, akin to a Project Manager or Test Manager in our field, had his actions reviewed. This teaches me that no matter my position, my work can benefit from the scrutiny and insights of others. Peer review is a cornerstone of quality assurance, ensuring that even the most experienced eyes don't miss critical details.

Heed the Guidance of Experienced Mentors

Arjuna's trust in Krishna, his charioteer, reminds me to always listen to those with more experience. In testing, this translates to valuing the insights of mentors and senior team members whose broader perspective can guide me through complex testing scenarios and strategic decisions.

Commit to Lifelong Learning

Arjuna's dedication to acquiring new skills and divine weapons resonates with the need for continuous learning in software testing. The landscape of technology is ever-changing, and staying abreast of the latest tools, techniques, and best practices is essential for delivering effective testing solutions.

Persevere Through Testing Challenges

Karna's life story, filled with trials and tribulations, inspires me to face testing challenges with unwavering determination. Whether it's a difficult bug or a demanding project timeline, I'm reminded to persist and apply my skills to navigate through these challenges.

Cultivate Discipline and Passion for Quality

Karna's discipline in archery, symbolized by his unyielding armor and earrings, teaches the importance of discipline and passion in mastering one's craft. As a tester, I strive to bring the same level of dedication to ensuring the quality and reliability of software.

Collaborate and Seek Assistance When Necessary

The epic's characters often sought Krishna's aid in times of need, highlighting the importance of seeking help. In my testing career, I've learned that collaboration and asking for assistance can lead to innovative solutions and shared success.

Set Clear Objectives for Each Testing Phase

Dronacharya's emphasis on clear goals is a lesson in the importance of having well-defined objectives for each phase of testing. This ensures that my focus remains sharp and that all necessary tests are executed to validate the software's functionality and performance.

Develop and Follow a Strategic Testing Plan

The strategic planning that led to the Pandavas' victory is akin to the need for a well-thought-out testing strategy. Crafting a strategy that aligns with project goals and resources is crucial for conducting effective and efficient testing.

Uphold Honesty in Reporting Test Results

Yudhishthira's commitment to truthfulness underscores the value of honesty in software testing. It's imperative to report test results accurately, even when they reveal significant issues, to maintain the integrity of the software development process.

Fulfill Your Testing Responsibilities with Dedication

Bhishma's adherence to his duties, despite personal conflicts, teaches the significance of responsibility. As a tester, I am responsible for the quality of the software, and I take this duty seriously, ensuring that every test is thorough and every finding is reported with precision.

In conclusion, the Mahabharata has not only enriched my understanding of life's complexities but has also provided a framework for my approach to software testing. The epic's lessons on review, guidance, learning, determination, discipline, collaboration, goal-setting, strategy, honesty, and responsibility have been instrumental in shaping my career and the quality of my work.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Unraveling the TSO500 Workflow: A Deep Dive into TSO500 Workflow Verification

As a software tester in the genomic healthcare technology field, my responsibility is to ensure the smooth functioning of the TruSight Oncology 500 (TSO500) workflow. This involves overseeing the journey of genetic data from the initial sample processing to the generation of comprehensive health reports, using pre-existing sequencing data. My goal is to clarify the process and highlight the critical steps, particularly the seamless integration of data into the Pierian system.

The Initial Phase: Accessioning and Plasma Batch Creation

The process begins with "accessioning," where each blood sample is meticulously cataloged with a unique identifier. This step is akin to assigning a library card to every book, ensuring each sample can be tracked throughout its journey. Although I work with pre-existing sequencing data, I simulate this step to maintain the integrity of the workflow. Following accessioning, we proceed to create plasma batches. While the lab's capacity allows for up to 192 samples in a single run, my testing typically involves 2 to 4 batches. This scaled-down approach enables me to concentrate on the system's efficiency and accuracy in a more controlled environment.

The Role of DRAGEN: A Black Box in the Workflow

DRAGEN (Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics) is a key component in the analysis of genetic data, known for its speed and accuracy. However, as a software tester, I do not verify the data analysis within DRAGEN. Instead, my role is to ensure that the data reaches the Pierian system correctly. DRAGEN remains a black box to us, meaning we trust the analysis conducted by DRAGEN without direct verification.

Ensuring Data Integrity and Workflow Efficiency

My primary focus is on the following stages:

  • Data Analysis: While I don't verify the data analysis within DRAGEN, I monitor the workflow to ensure that the data is being processed and sent out correctly.
  • Data Transfer: A critical part of my role is to confirm the successful transfer of data from the DRAGEN platform to the Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace, maintaining the integrity of the genetic information.
  • Report Generation:
    I evaluate the Pierian platform's ability to produce comprehensive and actionable health reports from the analyzed data.

Integrating Comprehensive Insights: Beyond TSO500

Once the Pierian report is finalized, it is sent to our order management system, where it is merged with other test reports, such as AR-v7 or DefineMBC. These additional tests provide a broader view of the patient's genomic profile, enhancing the personalized care approach.

AR-v7 is a critical test for metastatic prostate cancer, indicating resistance to specific treatments.

DefineMBC offers a comprehensive profile of metastatic breast cancer, analyzing circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and cell-free DNA (cfDNA) to detect genomic alterations that guide personalized treatment strategies.


My role in testing the TSO500 workflow is crucial for ensuring the workflow's accuracy and reliability. By monitoring each step and confirming seamless integration with PierianDx, we help ensure that the platform delivers clinically actionable insights essential for personalized patient care. This blog post aims to provide a clear understanding of the complex process of turning DNA data into a health report from a software tester's perspective, emphasizing the operational side of the workflow and the importance of data integrity in the overall process.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Pitch Perfect or Out of Bounds? A Gamer's Review of Cricket 22 on Switch

Hey fellow cricket enthusiasts and gamers! I've been diving into the digital pitch of Cricket 22 on my Nintendo Switch, and let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure. From the roar of the crowd to the crack of the bat, this game brings the excitement of cricket right to your fingertips. But no game is without its quirks, and I'm here to give you the scoop on what's hot and what's not in Cricket 22.

Test Environment:

  • Console: Nintendo Switch
  • Version: 1.0.0

Courtesy: Big Ant Studios

My Game Plan:

I mixed up my gameplay with a bit of everything – career mode, quick matches, and the thrill of online challenges. I also put on my detective hat, using some smart testing strategies to really get into the nitty-gritty of the game.

The Detective Work:

  •  Boundary Value Analysis: Pushing the game to its limits, I tested everything from epic high scores to the nail-biting finishes.
  • Error Guessing: I tried to outsmart the game, predicting where it might trip up, like when I sneak in a quick single or push for a risky double.
  • Equivalence Partitioning: I played with all sorts of deliveries and batting shots to see if the game could handle my all-rounder skills.
  • State Transition Testing: I switched things up, hopping between game modes and saving my progress to test the game's versatility.
  • Exploratory Testing Charter: I zeroed in on specific features like career mode, responsiveness, and those all-important graphics.

Courtesy: Big Ant Studios

The Good, The Bad, and The Glitchy:

What I Loved:

Cricket 22 really does bring the stadium home, with a stellar lineup of teams and competitions. The controls are intuitive, making batting and bowling feel like second nature.

What Needs Work:

  1. Career Mode Hurdles: Ever dreamt of leading your team to glory? Well, you might hit a snag. Sometimes your created player just doesn't make the cut for the match lineup, leaving you benched and missing out on the XP action.
  2. Batsman Blues: When it comes to quick runs, every second counts. But sometimes, our virtual batsmen seem to be stuck in the mud, leading to some frustrating run-outs.
  3. Visuals That Don't Bowl You Over: We all love a game that looks as good as it plays, but Cricket 22's graphics might leave you wanting more, especially when compared to other sports games out there.

The Game Changers:

  1. The Infamous System Crash: Imagine this- you've just downloaded some cool extra content, and you're ready to play, but then – bam! – the game crashes, and all that new content vanishes into thin air, along with your precious game data.
  2. Player Info Mix-up: You're all set to play as your favorite star, but wait a minute – the stats are all wrong! Yep, some of the player info is about as accurate as a blindfolded umpire's LBW decision.

Wrapping Up:

Cricket 22 has the makings of a great game, but it's like a promising innings cut short by a few unforced errors. The biggies? That dreaded system crash and the player info errors. But hey, nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of elbow grease from the devs.

My Two Cents:

  • Let's get those system crashes sorted, pronto!
  • A little fact-checking goes a long way – let's update those player stats.
  • And while we're at it, a graphics polish wouldn't hurt.

So, what do you think? Have you faced similar issues, or has your experience been smooth sailing? Drop your thoughts and let's chat about all things Cricket 22. Until then, keep your eye on the ball and your gaming spirits high!